October 19, 2014

The Unsung Hero Takes the Heat for Hospitality

Preacher: Dan Ingram Series: Book of Acts Scripture: Acts 17:1–17:15

Dan Ingram continues our series from the Book of Acts, preaching from Acts 17:1-15.  While some are called to the great adventure of the mission field, many of us are called to be missionaries at home.  How can we extend hospitality and advance the Kingdom of God right here?

other sermons in this series

Jun 7


It Takes a Church

Preacher: Douglas Mott Scripture: Acts 28:17–28:31 Series: Book of Acts

May 17


Paul's Testimony - and Ours

Preacher: Douglas Mott Scripture: Acts 26:1–26:19 Series: Book of Acts

May 10


Mothers, Martyrs and Members

Preacher: Douglas Mott Scripture: Acts 22:30–23:24 Series: Book of Acts